Cause UK specialise in supporting ethical businesses, good causes, festivals and the arts with award winning public relations services.
Clair Challenor-Chadwick, Managing Director of Cause UK is launching a new Brain Research Appeal on behalf of The Leeds Teaching Hospitals Charitable Foundation’s to help tackle life-limiting brain conditions, including Dementia.…
Clair Challenor-Chadwick, Managing Director of Cause UK is launching a new Brain Research Appeal on behalf of The Leeds Teaching Hospitals Charitable Foundation’s to help tackle life-limiting brain conditions, including Dementia.
The aim of the Appeal is to raise £2million by 2015 to establish a world-class Yorkshire Brain Research Centre.
This Centre will help tackle diseases such as Dementia, Stroke, Parkinson’s, Huntington Disease and many others. Currently 1 in 6 adults suffer from diseases of the brain and there is an expectation that with a growing older population Dementia in particular will be a ticking time bomb.
Clair said, “As the population gets older, there will be a tsunami of Dementia cases in Yorkshire in the near future. To have a centre of excellence in Yorkshire means that patients do not have to travel out of the County. The Appeal will help Yorkshire scientists find new treatments, drug therapies as well as conduct research and clinical trials. The brain controls all bodily activities, ranging from heart rate and sexual function to emotion, learning and memory. Ultimately, it shapes our thoughts, hopes, dreams and imagination. In fact, the brain is what makes us human. The Appeal will help attract the very best clinicians from around the world to study at Leeds and grow a strong neurosciences community for the benefit of patients in Yorkshire and beyond.
The Appeal will be launched to the general public in January 2014, if you would like to find out more about the Appeal please contact, 07531948014. @yorkshirebrain Text YBRC99 £5 to 70070 .
You can start fundraising to support the appeal here